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This website was made as a project alongside the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Personal Project. Further comprehension to attain desired impact of this particular project will be made through connections to the Global Context, connecting the concepts and principles for relevancy and applicability to everyday life.



What are the consequences of our common humanity?

Why don't more women choose to pursue careers in science, technological, engineering, and mathematical fields?

How can we involve more women who express interest to participate and enter this particular field?




It is the right and responsibility of humans to take initiative in what concerns the unequal division of male and female workers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Establishment of gender equity has the potential to stimulate socio-economic growth, and increase the development rate of innovation.



Rights And Responsibilities


The project, 'Women in S.T.E.M.' is not based on the issue of gaining women's rights, but meant rather bring in the question: is achieving and maintaining an equal proportion of male and female workers in STEM is a responsibility for society?



Relationships Between Communities


How might treatment in a familial or informal setting transfers to bias and prejudgement in a workplace?

What impact would more women in the STEM field have the potential to create?

Research and data present are meant to form connections between psychology, science, highlight its applicability to the everyday life.



Access To Equal Opportunities


In relation to the question under 'Rights And Responsibilities': If women currently have access, why is there not an equal representation of genders? Exploration of causes and consequences provides a detailed insight of psychological phenomenons.



Resolution Of An Identified Problem


How might one resolve this increasing disproportion?

This website, the final product outcome, has a purpose of spreading awareness in concerns to this issue, utilized as a tool for education and encouragement in order for women to cultivate and pursue their interest in STEM subjects in an easy-to-access manner.

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